Accident Prevention – Spanish
Leaving chemicals & tools where they don’t belong or stacking materials improperly can lead to accidents & injury.
Accident First Moves – Spanish
Whether the setting is the warehouse, the production floor or the office, these 3 steps offer the initial support that can help people remain calm.
Fall Prevention – Spanish
Don't take chances - take precautions. These 3 steps can help keep people on their feet.
Fire Fighters – Spanish
Fire safety at work is important business. Complement your fire safety precautions with these 3 steps.
Ergonomics – Spanish
Working with machinery or power tools increases risk for work-related pain & injury in the hands, elbows & wrists.
Hearing Safety – Spanish
People who work in noisy environments should always wear the recommended hearing protection & remember these 3 steps.
Keyboard Comfort – Spanish
Poor keyboarding techniques can lead to pain & injury in the upper body, particularly the wrists, hands & forearms.
Ladder Safety – Spanish
These 3 simple tips can help people use ladders safely and reduce their risk of falls.
Safe Lifting – Spanish
These 3 steps can ensure safer lifting in any workplace setting.
Lockout/Tagout – Spanish
Let these 3 steps reinforce the lockout/tagout safety principle in your workplace.
PPE – Spanish
A worker’s first line of defense against injury is wearing the proper personal protective equipment. These 3 steps can help.
Electrical Safety – Spanish
Hundreds of people are killed or injured from contact with electricity either on the job or at home annually. These 3 tips can help prevent electric shock injuries.
Eye Protection – Spanish
Vision protection begins with wearing the right protective eyewear for the job & taking precautions such as these 3 steps.
Before You Lift – Spanish
It only takes a second & one wrong move to put a person out of work because of a back injury, one of the most common reasons for lost productivity & absenteeism.
Store It Safely – Spanish
Leaving chemicals & tools where they don’t belong or stacking materials improperly can lead to accidents & injury.
Foot Safety – Spanish
Wearing shoes is far from enough to prevent foot pain & injury. And when those hard-working feet become sore or injured, productivity suffers.
Workplace Crime Stoppers – Spanish
A person’s work area is their home away from home. Most people don’t take risks at home, so why should they take risks at work?
Handle Chemicals Carefully – Spanish
Care & safety when handling, storing & working with chemicals can be a matter of life & death.
Don't Take Chances – Spanish
Both on & off the job, taking safety precautions should be standard operating procedure.
Back Safety – Spanish
Back injuries are among the most common workplace accidents, & lower back pain affects four out of five adults.
On the Loading Dock – Spanish
Loading docks can be dangerous areas where people work closely with vehicles & other heavy equipment. These 3 steps address some basic safety principles.
Repetitive Motion Injuries – Spanish
Repetitive motion injuries occur when the same motion, such as gripping, twisting or vibrating, is performed over & over again. These 3 steps can reduce risk.
Stress-Free – Spanish
Stress in the workplace can lead to serious consequences when people become too distracted to remember safety first.
Hand Tool Safety – Spanish
Whether using tools on the job or tackling a weekend home improvement project, it's important to follow these 3 basic tool rules.