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Safety Around the Clock Kit
Safety Around the Clock Kit
Our classic Safety Around the Clock kits are packaged in a clear cellophane bag for easy distribution at your next health fair, open enrollment or safety awareness event.

Minimum QuantityPrice Per Kit


Planning and executing an exciting, successful injury prevention and safety awareness event can be a challenge. HR and safety professionals alike need a simple solution to educate their workforce on how habits at home or at work can lead to injuries, how workers can reduce unintentional injuries to themselves and others as well as prepare them for what to do when an injury does occur.

These ready-made kits are an ideal, affordable and EASY way to send a safety message to your employees at your next safety awareness event, open enrollment, or lunch and learn.

Each pre-assembled Safety Around the Clock Kit includes:
  • Put Safety First brochure
  • Emergencies & What to Do brochure
  • 21 Ways to Stop Incidents brochure
  • Know Your Numbers Safety & Health Screening Guide and Tracker


Available in  English


One of the least expensive, yet significant ways to convey your company's wellness image. Make your company name, logo, URL or special message visible for your employees or clients. Call a Wellness and Safety Advisor for details.

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