Monday-Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America and one of the most costly health conditions, totaling more than $316 billion in health care, medications and lost productivity each year. Educate your employees on how they can reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke by making heart-healthy lifestyle changes. Each pre-assembled Heart Health Kit includes:The Big 6 Heartbreakers brochureExercise & Your Heart brochureHeart Healthy Eating brochureKnow Your Numbers health screening guide and trackerThermal stress test card
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America and one of the most costly health conditions, totaling more than $316 billion in health care, medications and lost productivity each year. Educate your employees on how they can reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke by making heart-healthy lifestyle changes.
Each pre-assembled Heart Health Kit includes:
One of the least expensive, yet significant ways to convey your company's wellness image. Make your company name, logo, URL or special message visible for your employees or clients. Call a Wellness Advisor for details.