brochures > health & wellness > nutrition & weight management


Our brochures offer informative and compelling wellness education that's both affordable and quick to read. They are just the right size to accompany paychecks or other workplace communications. They are also a great addition to wellness events such as health fairs, lunch-and-learns or open enrollment.

Healthy Brown Bag Lunches
Brown bag lunches can satisfy a hearty appetite, keep you healthy and save you money all at the same time.
Healthy Brown Bag Lunches - Spanish
Brown bag lunches can satisfy a hearty appetite, keep you healthy and save you money all at the same time.
Healthy Brown Bag Lunches Canadian
Brown bag lunches can satisfy a hearty appetite, keep you healthy and save you money all at the same time.
Healthy Meal Makeovers Canadian
Healthy meals don’t have to mean hard work. Explore the options with these tips.
Healthy Meal Makeovers - Spanish
Healthy meals don’t have to mean hard work. Explore the options with these tips.
Healthy Meal Makeovers
Healthy meals don’t have to mean hard work. Explore the options with these tips.
Heart Healthy Eating
A 5-week plan for heart-healthy eating.
Heart Healthy Eating Canadian
A 5-week plan for heart-healthy eating.
Weight Loss Basics - Canadian
Practical and sensible weight-loss strategies.
Weight Loss Basics
Healthy and safe ways to lose weight and keep it off.
Managing Your Weight
Three basic principles essential for sensible weight control.
Managing Your Weight - Spanish
Three basic principles essential for sensible weight control.
Healthy Food Shopping Canadian
A guide for grocery shopping when the goal is healthier eating.
Healthy Food Shopping
A guide for grocery shopping when the goal is healthier eating.
Healthier Eating, Healthier You
An introduction to dietary guidelines.
Healthier Eating, Healthier You Canadian
An introduction to dietary guidelines.
Reading Food Labels - Spanish
How to read and interpret food labels.
Reading Food Labels
How to read and interpret food labels.
Reading Food Labels Canadian
How to read and interpret food labels.
Smart Eating
A simple, sensible approach to good nutrition.
Smart Eating - Spanish
A simple, sensible approach to good nutrition.

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